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We Help Leaders and Teachers

Become the BEST !

Train Today! Transform Tomorrow!

Do You Want To Be The BEST
At Defeating Student Failure?

Develop the BEST Discipline

We know that student misbehavior is challenging, but we have training and processes that teach you to create the best behavior you have ever seen.



Eliminate Student Apathy 

Student apathy is a big challenge, but our training gives you a systemic plan to infuse passion and establish powerful relationships that inspire all kids.



Raise State

Test Scores

Closing learning gaps can seem daunting, but with our curricular, instructional, and assessment strategies, schools are closing all student learning gaps.



Build Excellent


Leaders are inundated with constant challenges that inhibit school improvement, but with our leadership system, leaders become game-changers.



Elevating Schools to Excellence

Increase State

Schools using John Wink's strategies how boosted

their accountability by

2 letter grades in 1 year.

Expertise from Proven Leader

John Wink has led multiple schools to earn A-ratings and

become Blue Ribbon Schools 

and PLC Model Schools.

Become the BEST Today!

Become the BEST Today!

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We have the tools and training that
SAVE Time, SAVE Students, and
ALL educators!

We Help Leaders and Teachers

End Student Failure with Solutions for

John Wink

Overwhelmed Teachers

Disengaged Students

Wasted Time & Effort 

Low Academic Scores


Build the BEST School


The BEST leaders build the BEST schools

The BEST teachers build the BEST students.


We help YOU build the

BEST Schools with the

BEST Teachers & Leaders


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