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Great Leaders have a Coach

With our monthly coaching structure and protocols, we help you develop

More Leadership in
Less Time

The BEST Student Behavior with the Least Referrals

The BEST Culture 
for Learning for 
ALL students

The BEST Academic
Scores with our Simple System

The Best Leaders have a Coach

The Best Leaders have a Coach

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The 'BEST' Leader Course
Online Course or Coaching
1. Get 200 hours back in your life

2. Organize your leadership & 
end 'interruption overload'
3. Strengthen your communication.

4. Build the BEST support for teachers.

Learn collaborating with peers.
Image of teacher teaching class

Student Behavior Make-over
Monthly 1 on 1 Coaching
1. Cut Discipline Referrals in Half
2. Double Positive Behaviors
3. Build systems that support teachers

4. Transform your school's culture.

Build The BEST Culture for Learning
1 on 1 - Coaching
1. Eliminate Student Apathy
2. Increase Student Engagement

3. Strengthen relationships with students
4. Reach campus academic goals.

Students learning together.
Teacher helping students.

Strategies for Learning
'Pathway to an A'

Monthly 1 on 1 Coaching
1. Use less assessments to yield more data.
2. Focus on essential skills that yield more growth
3. Less talk about data;  more response to failure
4. Build prescriptive interventions for students.

The BEST Leaders have a Coach!

Novice Teacher Zoom


Coaching is one of the most powerful actions leaders can take to become the best leader for their school.  Over the past year John Wink has coached numerous principals, assistant principals, assistant superintendents and superintendents.  In coaching  sessions, leaders receive a personalized and customized coaching sessions where they can immediately walk away equipped to  make a profound impact based on the immediate challenges they are facing.


Coaching sessions are held via Zoom in 25 or 50 minute increments with  individual leaders, or campus leadership teams and can be scheduled on biweekly, tri-weekly, or monthly intervals.




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