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Excellence in Every Classroom!

Audience:  Leaders and Teachers



Description:  In this professional development opportunity,

participants will learn how to create the conditions for every teacher to

reach highest levels of excellence in student achievement.  Through

this interactive training, participants will discover the components of

distinguished teachers and create their own system of supports that

incorporate school-wide professional development and digital

supports, teacher team collaboration strategies and protocols, and

individualized teacher supports.  



  • The Hierarchy of Instructional Excellence:  The 'Excellence in Every Classroom' framework that helps teachers and leaders prioritize the conditions for learning so that teachers will be empowered to personalize their own learning.


  • The Excellence Support System:  This system of supports created by schools and leaders provides 24/7 professional learning, teacher team collaboration, and personalized interventions to help every teacher reach excellence.


  • Connection to Teacher Evaluation Instruments:  Leaders will review the T-TESS (TX), other state teacher evaluation instruments, as well as the Danielson Framework of Teacher Evaluation.  The purpose of this training is to give leaders strategies to help every teacher become proficient or distinguished in every indicator.


Excellence in Every Classroom can be presented in 1 or 2 day sessions.


A Leader's Guide to Excellence in Every Classroom book cover, Hierarchy of Instructional Excellence, Excellence Support System
Excellence Support System

The Excellence Support System

"Put the ESS in T-TESS"

Audience:  Leaders 


Turn your T-TESS system into a powerful tool that ensures that all

teachers grow into their excellence?  In this training, leaders will

learn about the pitfalls of overemphasizing evaluation while devaluing

professional learning.  Additionally, participants will learn how to build

their every own ESS, Excellence Support System which includes

the following:

  • Focused and ongoing professional learning

  • 4 different ways to build collaboration into your school schedule

  • A structured calendar to ensure that leaders make the time to deliver all parts of the T-TESS requirements.

  • Strategies to empower teacher leadership.





Coaching ALL Teachers to Excellence

Audience:  Leaders and Instructional Coaches


Student growth is dependent on teacher growth, and instructional

coaches and instructional leaders work together to personalize their

supports for every teacher. Based on John Wink's book, "A Leader's

Guide to Excellence in Every Classroom" participants will learn how

to help all teachers grow through differentiated leadership strategies

that include the following steps:



  1. Identify each teacher's present level of proficiency based on the Hierarchy of Instructional Excellence.

  2. Create an Individualized Excellence Plan focused on growth in one specific level within the Hierarchy.

  3. Use the 3 forms of coaching feedback to help teachers move forward in their growth.

  4. Develop strong relationship between principal and coaches that provides consistency and alignment in both responses and supports for teachers.




+10 Image

Data Driven Excellence

Audience:  Leaders


Description:  Participants will learn how to turn Anthony

Muhammad's quote, "Data is information, not condemnation" into

actionable work.  In this session, learners will discover how to turn

static test scores into the following growth goals:


  • Campus Growth Goals

  • Grade Level Growth Goals

  • Subject Level Growth Goals

  • Teacher Growth Goals

  • Student Growth Goals


Data is information not condemnation, and great organizations find unique ways to use data to drive instruction, responses to failure and progress monitoring.  In this training, participants will learn how to use data to transform their mindset from the focus on passing tests to guaranteeing growth in every learner.  To solidify their growth mindset about data, participants will learn how to use standardized data reports and benchmark data to develop growth goals for both teachers and students.  Furthermore, leaders will walk about with an action plan to help their teachers select relevant data with 4-6 reports that will help them isolate their areas for improvement by content, by class and by individual student.




Rigor and Mastery Cycle of Components

From Rigor to Vigor

Audience:  Leaders and Teachers


Learning at high levels is dependent on two things, the teacher's

content knowledge and expertise and his/her ability to transfer that

knowledge and expertise to the students .  In this training,

participants will learn how transform rigorous intentions into

vigorous learning.   Participants will understand the importance of

developing content knowledge and expertise and use it to inspire

students to own their learning using the following skills that the

very best teachers possess:


  • Vigorous Planning and Assessment

  • Instructional Strategies that lead to Student Empowerment

  • Questioning Strategies that pique Curiosity and deepen Understanding

  • Monitoring and Adjusting Instruction based on Student Mastery

Participants will learn how to deconstruct their essential skills from a vertical perspective and use that knowledge to transfer their knowledge and expertise to every student.


In a Meeting

Professional Learning Communities in Action

Audience:  Leaders and Teachers


PLC's that meet go through the motions.  PLC's that work and learn

together come together to become better and more effective for all

kids.   The PLC is the second step to building an Excellence Support

System for all teachers especially, new and struggling teachers.


In this interactive training, participants will learn the 6 C's of

collaboration, how to build an empowered culture for collaboration

and how to structure collaboration in such a manner that is both

effective and efficient for all team members.  Additionally,

participants will dive deep into the Hierarchy of Student Excellence

and gain powerful collaboration strategies to redesign classrooms

and positively impact all students.  

Image by krakenimages

Building Transformational Leadership in

Every Leader


Audience:  Leaders 


Description:  Participants will learn the components of a

transformational leadership and develop personal strategies

to engage and then empower followers to transform their

entire school community.



  • The 4 Quadrants of Leadership - Participants will learn about the 4 types of leaders and why Transformational Leadership is the only leadership style that will create a positive school culture and a powerful structure focused on teacher growth which guarantees student growth.


  • 3V Communication - Participants will learn the importance of developing the 3 Vs of communication:  Verbal, Visible, Virtual.  Additionally, participants will learn how to leverage their personal organization to more effectively communicate with all stakeholders.


  • Situational Leadership Strategies - Using the research of Bass, participants will learn about the 4 types of followers and how leaders respond effectively to the four combinations of ability and will.


  • The Layers of Leadership - Transformational leaders know that their #1 priority is to build more leaders.  In this section, participants will learn how to build the Layers of Leadership which encompasses leaders from the teacher level, coach level, assistant principal/counselor level and principal level.


  • Tied to Evaluation Instruments - The content in this training is aligned to the T-PESS evaluation instrument.

Build Excellent Schools through 

Teacher Leadership

Audience:  Leaders 


Participants will learn how teachers can transform their school by

building their very own Excellence Support System that will support

every teacher in supporting every student.  Through the Hierarchy

of Student Excellence, leaders will learn how powerful strategies to

unleash teacher leadership that will inspire teachers to lead one

another and work collaboratively to help all students discover the

excellence inside them.  Using the Hierarchy of Instructional

Excellence, participants will gain strategies to build teacher leadership

in every facet of the school.


Smiling Teacher
Student Engagement Venn:  Time Management, Relevance, Gradual Release

Growing Excellence through

Student Engagement

Audience:  Leaders and Teachers


Time is the constant; how teachers use it is the variable.  Excellent

teachers maximize instructional time while struggling teachers

unintentionally waste it.   In this session, John will share strategies

to create a "Learning Bell to Bell" mindset from his book, 

"The Leader's Guide to Excellence in Every Classroom"


Participants will gain practical tools to help every teacher optimize

every minute of instruction by focusing on the following concepts:


  • Creating lessons that transform passive learning into active learning,

  • Making content relevant to the students' interests, background and experiences,

  • Developing an instructional delivery model which the specific purpose of transferring the responsibility of learning from teacher to students,

  • Ensuring that every minute of instruction results in active learning for all students.


 Additionally, participants will learn about an innovative lesson planning template (powered by Google) that solidifies the excellence mindset by giving leaders and teachers one tool that helps teachers plan for student engagement and helps leaders give prescriptive walkthrough feedback.




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