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3 Presents Everyone Wants From You This Year

I am the absolute worst gift giver in my family. My wife on the other hand is the absolute best gift giver. She knows what everybody wants and not only does she get them the perfect gifts, she delivers them in the most unique in special ways so that her presents are presented in amazing and memorable ways.

What gifts will you be giving this year?

If we’re honest, everyone loves to receive presents. I love receiving them, but there are three critically essential presents this year some of us fail to give. The reason is simple. These presents are not the tangible ones that you can go out and buy. They exist inside you, but sometimes we forget they are there.

🎁 1 - Tense: Be in the Present

Everyone that you love is currently in the present waiting for you, but many times we are not in the present with them. The reason for that is either we are frustrated about the past or we're anxious about the future. Be in the moment because that is where the joy is found and can be shared with those you love.

🎁 2 - Action - Present Yourself

It can be hard to give yourself to those who matter most in your life when you are stressed out about lots of things, but they needs you to not only be in the present, but they need you to present yourself to them with your kind words, affection, happiness, and joy. Presenting yourself is a powerful gift of sacrifice to your family, and it is for better than any gift you can give them.

🎁 3 - Presence > Presents

My grandfather was my idol, and I don’t remember a single present that he ever gave me. But I felt a massive loss when his gift of presence was taken from me. His presence changed the whole dynamic of our family and every room that he was in. Never forget the presents are good, but your presence is ultimately what people want from you.

The Thing that Matters Most

At the end of the day, it’s not the 'things' that matter, but the THING that matters. Once the wrapping is torn off, the excitement over the things will dissipate. The gifts that we receive will lose their luster because at the end of the day they are just things. The thing that matters is your presence within the presents.

As I look back on Christmases of the past, I can remember some very special times where I was in the moment and was the best present I could be, but there were also times where I was distracted by something outside of the present and unfortunately, my family didn’t get my best. My present wasn’t given to them.

At the end of the day, we must remember that we are a gift to the world, and everyone is waiting for us to give our gift. Don’t hold back. Don’t keep it to yourself. Don’t make excuses for not sharing your gift. Be the best present everyone receives this year.


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