In education today, the term data-led or data-driven drives pretty much every conversation. In fact, the term, data-driven, is used so much that it is many times more cliché than constructive. In other words we all say it so much, it makes me wonder if it even has meaning anymore. When it comes to data, are we going through motions or making movement? Let's delve into data and find out.
Data Defined
According to, data is defined as.
facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
things known or assumed as facts, making the basis of reasoning or calculation.
In other words, data is multiple pieces of information BUT data is put together for a purpose. It is collected, organized and displayed for the purpose of analysis, and ultimately action.
What is Datum?
Datum is the singular to data, the plural. It is a singular point of information or a starting point of a scale or operation.
Are you Datum Led or Data Led?
Here are some questions to assess if you or your schools are data-led or datum-led?
Do you look at assessment data in isolation or in comparison to other assessment data?
Do you look at data for the purpose of gauging proficiency at a singular point in time or for determining progress over time?
When you look at data do you have more questions of why the data looks the way it does, or do you gain more clarity about student performance from a prior assessment?
Do data meetings leave you frustrated about what to do next or focused on a strong and responsive plan of action?
Do you make extensive plans of action based on one single test or one single piece of information, or do you gather more data points to have a clearer picture of what is going on and more importantly where you need to go next?
Move from Datum to Data.
If you want to move from the singular event mindset of datum toward the analytical progress mindset of data, there are a few things to consider.
Never look at a data point in isolation (1 assessment) without comparing it to a starting point and even better other assessments given in the past.
Gather more data points to gain a better perspective of progress over several assessments to see if growth is actually occurring or if it's an anomaly. The worst positive is a false positive.
Remember that more data gives a better understanding of what is happening, but it will rarely tell us why it's happening.
Data inspires hope, while datum instills fear.
Kids Deserve a Data-Led Environment
If you're data-led, you always lead with more clarity and answers, but if you're datum-led you always leave with more questions than answers, excuses than explanations, and confusion rather than clarity.
When we lead with data, kids always win because they are educated in an environment infused with a mindset of continuous improvement. They don't care if they pass because they're concerned if they grow. Ultimately, they close their own learning gaps because the way they are exposed to data not only inspires them to chase growth, it teaches them how to be data-led in pushing themselves to strategically pursue growth.