In our work, I don't have time is the #1 excuse I hear from leaders and teachers alike. We never seem to have enough time to get it all done.
The fact of the matter is that this statement is a complete lie. We have all the time in the world that we need, but the real truth is that we don't protect it like we should.
Watch This Video To See What I Mean
How Do We Defeat the Excuse of "I Don't Have Time"?
Evaluate your morning routine. Is it erratic or predictable? If your routine at home is a train wreck, you will loose minutes at both home and work.
Evaluate you entering the building routine. Are you showing up early to be prepared for the work of the day, or are you running in the building after the kids?
Evaluate your Preparation Time - Are you making every minute count in your planning or preparation time? If you aren't getting much done there, that's why you're behind in your other work.
Evaluate your Delivery Time - In your meetings or your lessons, are you organized to such a point that you optimize the minutes in how you deliver instruction to others?
Evaluate your Meeting Time - Are your meetings organized and run like clockwork or do they drag on and get little done?
Evaluate your Family Time - Are you giving the best minutes you have to those who matter most? If you aren't making the most of the minutes with your family, chances are that you are negatively affecting your relationships and ultimately your work.
Eliminate Interruptions - Are you constantly being interrupted? Better yet, are you interrupting yourself from getting the most out of your minutes? End interruptions and protect your time and you will see more productively and better results.
Defeat the Time Stealers & Time Killers
If you want to be the best, stop letting the time slip away. Protect every minute like it's a $100 bill. When you do that, you will see greater results in your work and greater satisfaction in yourself!