Is your plate constantly full and your mind constantly spinning trying to get started? I have lived this struggle myself and seen it in the work of many leaders. With so much coming at once, it's hard to keep everything straight. In my coaching sessions with leaders, I help them create powerful routines for their work and their life. A routine is nothing more than a predictable pattern for getting things done effectively, efficiently, and with as little brain power as possible, and when you build the BEST routines, you always get more done with less stress.
This week, I want to encourage you to start winning minutes back into your life by building one routine. You may want to build a strong routine with quality time with your kids, exercising for 30 minutes per day, attacking your email in less time, or even completing your reports at the same time everyday.
Build an order of tasks to get this routine done, and then follow the order for 7 consecutive days. At the end of the 7 days, evaluate yourself and see how you did. Where did you do well in the routine? Where did you lose time or fall out of the routine? Make adjustments, and then start the routine again.
If you work on perfecting 1 routine for 4 consecutive weeks, you will have just created a strong routine that now becomes part of your life, and you will see positive effects in both how you feel and how your mind is freed up to be ready to tackle another task.
Here’s to winning minutes back into your life that will change years in your life for the better.
Win the Minute!