In my work with leaders across the country, I’m often asked this question, “How do you have all the time to get all of it done?” The answer in short is that I really don’t. After all, there are tons of things to do and never enough time to get it all done. Accept this fact and don't feel guilty for it. There is absolutely no possible way that you can do it all and that is ok. The problem is that as leaders and teachers, we often feel guilty when we let people down.
But here is another fact that we must all accept.

Prioritize your Work Before You Work
Believe that you can get the most essential work done because you can. To get started making it happen, what I recommend is that you separate your work into 3 categories.
Essential work - Work that is required, on a short deadline, or critical to your success.
Important work - Work that needs to get done at some point, but it is not critical at this moment or time sensitive.
Nonessential work - Work that would be nice to get done or that would enhance your success, but if you don’t get to it, it’s no big deal.
Once you prioritize your work into these categories, now make time slots in your life where you can be fully present and mentally available to get the essential work done first, the important work second, and nonessential work done if you have any time left. Get as much work done as possible in the time you've allotted for this work, and then stop. You can come back to work on it again at your next allotted time.
Set Boundaries to Protect Your Work
Next, set clear boundaries within your schedule to get work done. That means don’t let any interruptions get in the way. Without order in your work, chaos always ensues. That means, if you want to get more done, you have to be strategic in optimizing the time you have, and the most strategic thing you can do is create routines in your life. Protect your work time and stay focused on completing the tasks in order of importance.
Make It Happen
This week, I want to encourage you to prioritize your work before you do it. Put each task into 1 of the 3 categories I mentioned above and then set aside 30 to 60 minute blocks of time to attack the work. Working without a plan results in hours of lost time, and plans don't work until you execute them. Prioritize your work and then execute your work.
Are You Leading Your Work or Is It Leading You?
The essence of leadership is found in the skill of prioritizing the work. If you don't lead yourself, someone or something will lead you. Take charge of your work, and watch yourself gain more success in less time. You can do it and if you need us, we can help!